Thursday, October 7, 2010

Onwards and Upwards

At this stage, I need to ask what I hope to achieve over the next month. Realistically, if I could do what most people do and reserve lie-ins exclusively for Sunday, I would be looking at a big productivity gain, while at the same time having a bit of extra sleep to look forward to each weekend. I don't think there is any risk of goal-confusion here!

I am motivated to do this, but its fair to say that summoning that motivation every morning at 9am will be challenge.

I have come up with several ideas which will encourage me to get up in the mornings. I have listed them below, and intend to start at the top of the list, moving on if a particular method is failing.

Here are my concepts:

1. Set alarm
2. Set two alarms
3. Set an alarm, but hide it - forcing me to get out of bed
4. Arrange for a wake up phone call
5. Arrange to be physically woken up by someone
6. Make lots of early morning plans, which should mean I have to get up

I will start at number 1 tomorrow.