It is early days yet, but things have improved! Got up on Saturday and was in the gym on time. It was one of the longer Saturday's I have had in recent times (as regular readers will know, Saturdays have proved to be my Achilles heel so far), but I felt I was much more productive, and got more out of the weekend as a whole. I did have my lie-in on Sunday, but at least it was guilt-free. This morning I met a friend for breakfast at 9-30, which again ensured I was up on time.
There is not much more than a week left in my "Evaluation and Improvement" period, but I am beginning to feel as though I have made some progress. Two things have become apparent to me: The habit of getting up late every day simply stemmed from laziness, and if I want to overcome this, I need to motivate myself to create a productive & workable routine.I will try to continue to develop this routine and will let everyone know how I am getting on towards the end of this week.